The Vicious Cycle of Urban Terrorist

I am going to draw a comparison in this post that may make a lot of people mad, and for that I absolutely do not apologize. You see that is what this page is all about – The TRUTH. I put this in large letters because I know the word alone will scare away some of the nutcases that will want to lynch me for what may be mistaken for opinion (but is 100% guaranteed factual). So, yes I do not mind hurting some feelings because I think about the many this could save, if it is taken into consideration. But I am not offering a solution – no – simply an observation. It is not because I don’t have a solution, I do, we are the solution. So, without further introduction here is the observation that will change the world! (sarcasm? possibly not!)

I have a good friend who was born and raised in the depths of hell, Pakistan. He who will remain nameless came to the US about 10 years ago at the age of 22, so he really was raised in Pakistan. Unlike a lot of immigrants from south of the border my good friend not only already knew English but he embraced the American dream by going to college, graduating and then getting a fantastic job managing people. One day in conversation I put out a rather uncomfortable question, “What is the difference between a Muslim man like you and the jihadist we see commonly in places like Pakistan?” His answer was simply – Upbringing. To go into a little bit more detail he told me he was from a good part of Pakistan. I asked him to give me more detail and he told me they are just overall better off. They have better schooling and learn in classrooms while the lower class jihadist learn in mosque, he had two parents the jihadist either have none or their parents are also jihadist. But most of all he told me, “There is no accountability in the jihadist communities.” What this means (paraphrasing my good friend) is, they blame everything on other people of other religions and other countries and even other sections of their own religion. It also means they use their god and prophet as an excuse for all of the horrible things they do. I think we can all agree that this reeks unnecessary havoc on not just other countries but more so the cities surrounded by these evil people.

So, this is the daring assertion or more like question I am going to ask – What is the difference between a Pakistani jihadist and an inner city thug? – the conclusion to this question is open to opinion but my opinion is there is no difference. If you disagree with me that is fine but please open your mind for just three more minutes.

For as long as I have been alive we have been seeing cities like Philadelphia, Chicago and even my hometown in Massachusetts crumble into crime ridden, government dependent crack dens filled with rape, murder and drugs. So who is responsible? Well, as I think I have proven – I believe in accountability, that being said, the people always at the core of these problems are young, mostly black (but not always) thugs that have been trained since birth to hate cops, whites, hard workers and most prominently themselves.

So if you are questioning whether or not I am comparing inner city teens with violent jihadist – Yes I am. Why? Read on.

This comparison was not a difficult one to make, nor was the decision to write about it and this is because there is are far to many examples to write about.

ter·ror·ism (taken from

noun \ˈter-ər-ˌi-zəm\

: the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal

:  the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

So, lets use Steve Utash as an example – Steve, a father and seemingly great person was driving down a busy street in Detroit when a young man decided to step straight in front of his moving car. Unfortunately, there was less than a second for him to slow down or stop and he hit the boy (who, by the way, had been allowed by his father to hang around next to the busy street). Like a good accountable man Steve pulled over and got out to help, but no one could anticipate what was going to happen next. As Steve ran over to check on the young boy, whom had suffered a broken leg, 15 – 20 black men and teens decided to jump him. Yes, they felt it was Steve’s fault the boy had been hit by the car and they beat him and beat him and beat him until he was nearly dead… and then they took his wallet. Read more about that here:

So, what did Steve do wrong? He was legally driving down a busy road simply trying to get home to his children – he didn’t try to hit that boy and had he been black his fate would have been different.

Next I would like to talk about a 13 year old boy who was tortured because of the color of his skin. On his way home from a normal day at school a couple of older boys followed this boy to his front porch. Upon reaching the porch one of the boys doused him with gasoline and another lit him on fire. The boys 5 year old brother asked his mother, “Mom, is that going to happen to me?” Of course, she can’t answer that because that young boy is the same color as his brother, white, and that is why he was set on fire. How do we know this? Apparently his captors yelled racial slurs to him and told him it was for Trayvon. If that is not terrorism I don’t know what is.

I am going to give one more large umbrella of an example and then at the end I will follow up with a few links for the people that still will not accept this comparison. The last example is Ferguson, yes just Ferguson in general. So the reality is we do not know the reality, at all. That being said we cannot hang anyone without knowing all of the facts. What we do know is Mike Brown is a criminal and he is also dead because of Darren Wilson. But the question is was that death justified, one side would tell you no ones death is justifiable but that is simply not true. Darren Wilson very well could have feared for his life considering both Mike Brown’s size and his aggression. (Note: If I was a police officer and a 6 foot 4 inch, 300 lb man was coming at me I would shoot him too. I want to go home to my family)

So where does terrorism fit into his? Mike Brown supporters now say Darren Wilson must indicted no matter what the facts are and if he is not then they will burn the whole town down. And why not believe them, they have done it before – destroying local businesses for personal gain and blaming on the police and white America. If this threat and these actions don’t define terrorism then what does?

Note: I will post links to where you can find hundreds and hundreds of examples but I urge you to simply google flash mobs, the knockout game, black mob violence, Asians bullied in Philadelphia)

Why is this happening? Inner city youth will blame the rich, the government, the police and even simply all white people but that is simply not true. The answer is lack of direction, lack of father figures/examples and lack of accountability. This is outlined time and time again in news reports, YouTube videos, protest and acts of violence. These kids are being taught whites, etc. are the enemy and they are entitled to whatever they want because no matter what they do they will never get ahead and they will always have to watch their back. Every time these kids turn around they see neglectful parents, Al Sharpton or Barack Obama telling them it is not their fault and they will never amount to anything.

This issue is a result of bad hip hop music teaching kids how to speak, act and dress instead of supporting and loving parents. It is a result of government programs enabling teens and their parents to get free money, food, phones and healthcare without even making an honest attempt at excelling. Lastly, it is a result of a society accepting and embracing unacceptable behavior and it is a result of a politically correct society not holding people accountable for their actions.

America, this needs to change, if it isn’t to late. We are heading in the direction of Pakistan with no sign of stopping and the only one that can save us is ourselves.

To Contact Me visit @truthnotguilt on Twitter
